【外国人在陕西】拉吉姆:高高的喜马拉雅山不是阻隔 而是桥梁 |【Foreigners in Shaanxi】Rajiv kumar jha:The Himalayas are not a barrier but a bridge
陕西广电融媒体集团·起点新闻 2022-12-19 18:11
“陕西人”拉吉姆来自“丝绸之路”上多彩之地尼泊尔。在尼泊尔,拉吉姆是首位青年学者奖获得者,在陕西,他是第一位特聘于陕西省“百人计划”的尼泊尔专家学者,今天让我们一起来认识这位“中尼友好使者”,听他讲述自己的“中国梦”。(记者:邱陆 王冬 史宝军 赵辉 念萌 杨烨 王萱)
The "Shaanxi person" Rajiv kumar jha comes from Nepal, a colorful land on the Silk Road. In Nepal, Rajim is the first recipient of the Young Scholar Award.And in Shaanxi, he is the first Nepali expert specially recruited by the Shaanxi Hundred Talents Program. Today, let’s meet this "envoy of friendship between China and Nepal" and listen to him talking about his "Chinese Dream".